Be Used…
Do you ever have a day that goes by on autopilot? You know, maybe you’ve made a checklist you supposed to get done, places you need to go, emails and phone calls you have to return, but it’s all almost monotonous? And then, at the end of the day, your completely exhausted, and yet you think, what did I really accomplish today? Did I make a difference in someone’s life today? Did I make a difference in my child’s life today? My husband’s life today?
If you’re like me, you may always feel busy, but may not ever see the evidence of the “busyness”! I mean, who of you reading this has cleaned the kitchen before you went to bed- leaving NO dishes in the sink, counters wiped down, all the food put away (I hope!), and even swept up the little crumbs that stick to the bottom of your feet (that’s the worst!)- ONLY to wake up in the morning and walk into the kitchen to see coffee stains and sticky stuff already accumulating, milk sitting out, wrappers from the yogurt someone’s eaten laying FACEDOWN on the counter, and dishes ALREADY in the sink! I mean, how does that even happen?
Well, this autopilot kind of life, this repetitive motion of cooking, cleaning, working, etc has recently left me kind of blahhhhhhhhh. I’m definitely not going so far as to say empty- cause I love my life and family, and I have been supremely blessed- but how can I get out of feeling this “blah”ness??
And God keeps recalling to my soul some wise words spoken at a Ladies Retreat I went to a few weeks back. Our very wise speaker, Donna Brown (hehe- she’s my mom!), led a session where she challenged us to allow ourselves to be used by God for someone else’s miracle. You know, our society gives the word “used” a negative connotation, but that’s certainly not always the case at all! If we are not open to jumping in to help someone who is sick, or broke, or even just sad, we may be getting in the way of how God was going to do a miracle in that person’s life, or even in ours through them!
And lately, it’s like God has to keep slapping me upside the head with this idea! It’s not about me– what makes me happy, or what I have to “get done” today, or what makes my world go around. And when I try and make it about me, you know what happens? I go to bed, stare up at the ceiling and think what did I even accomplish today?
So, that’s why when I couple things in my sacred schedule got changed today, I sat down to add more “things” to my to-do list excitedly. You know what they were at first??
1. Mop
2. finish tax stuff
Hahaha! These were the things I was (admittedly) excited about adding to my “to-do” list today! And so when a friend reminded me about an opportunity to serve some lunches to some local children who might not receive a lunch today, I balked…… I mean, I have a floor to mop for pete’s sake! That floor doesn’t get clean on its own!
And then God lovingly brought me back around to being available to be used in a miracle. We’re on Spring Break here, and these children, most of whom are on free or reduced lunches, might not have gotten a satisfying and healthy lunch today. Some may not have even received a lunch at all. Plus, this was an activity where my kids would get the chance to serve someone else- they would get to experience compassion at its finest!
So, guess what? We went to serve lunches! And it was such a wonderful experience. The overseers of this event were wonderful and very organized, and the kids who showed up were ADORABLE! They were so appreciative and all smiles.
And later today, God opened my eyes to another way I can be used in one of His miracles. A good friend of mine had a stroke 6 years ago, and since then she lost function on her left side. This amazing woman of two sons lives on her own! She has relearned everything, and loves to share her story with other stroke victims who think they will never recover what their sickness took from them. She is an inspiration- I know firsthand because I see her involvement in our Women’s and First Touch/Prayer Ministries at our church.
She is a wonder to behold for sure. And though she admits she may not ever regain function with her left arm, she has always believed she would one day walk normally again- without a cane, and over uneven surfaces, and some stairs. She has prayed for this seemingly (to certain docs) impossible prayer. But, it has been answered! She has had the opportunity to receive what we’re calling a bionic leg! With this device, her dreams can be realized! I know God has used these specialists to give her this gift- BUT this gift comes at a high price- a price she cannot afford and insurance does not cover.
So, do you want to participate in one of God’s miracles today? I know that He loves when we use social media to do His work! Read Kelly’s story by clicking {{here}}, watch the video, share her story, and please consider being a part of her miracle!
Oh- and you know what? I still had time to mop the floor! I think I’ll go to sleep happy for many reasons this day…