The Salvation Story- in Children’s Lingo

The Salvation Story- in Children’s Lingo

Salvation- in children’s lingo When I started a career in children’s ministry, I found every way possible to explain the salvation story in ways elementary-aged minds would understand.   This was important to me since I grew up going to church and Sunday school but 

Ministry- An Adventure We’re All Taking

Ministry- An Adventure We’re All Taking

Ministry-an adventure we’re all taking An opportunity to be a contributing writer for a devotional book presented itself recently. I jumped on this ministry adventure after quickly realizing it was a dream I didn’t even know was in me.   But this venture has been 

It’s Who You Belong to that Matters- Guest Post for Wholly Loved Ministries

It’s Who You Belong to that Matters- Guest Post for Wholly Loved Ministries

It’s Who You Belong to that Matters We all want to belong to something, to someone, to have a place where we fit into the seams of life. Read how God used used Scripture to show me its the Who you belong to that really 

Preparing for Divine Appointments

Preparing for Divine Appointments

Preparing for Divine Appointments I welcome my writer friend and women’s ministry leader, Jennifer Slattery, to my blog. Today, she discusses how self-centeredness distorts our ability to see the opportunities, the missions, God is giving us to draw people close to Him. I pray her 

Pit Bulls, Parolees, & Princess Bride

Pit Bulls, Parolees, & Princess Bride

It’s a new year primed for new adventures and new traditions, new opportunities and new habits. But if you’re like me you’ve made the same new year’s resolution this year as last year, and possibly even the year before that! I think I’ve said for 

Worship Fail

Every six weeks or so I have the honor of giving the offering moment during the Sunday morning worship service at my church. A while back, I used this time to talk about proper worship. It led me to ask myself, “what is worship?” Singing, 

Where have all the patriarchs gone?

Where have all the patriarchs gone?

Could the tides be changing? I find myself often asking the question, “Where have all the patriarchs gone?” A quick definition of the word patriarch is: the head or leader of a household. But when you look up the true definition, you quickly see it 

Seven Deadly Sins…

Seven Deadly Sins…

Sin: It seems we always are talking about it lately, but only it’s not the sin we commit ourselves, but yet the sin we see others commit, the sin we see others struggle with, the sin that binds someone else in a permanent hold. Even 



Many of you see “#FirstWorldProblem” and know exactly what it’s referring to- the sarcastic remark made by us First World-ers when we face a problem any human living in a Third World country would laugh at, or even snarl at. Using the hashtag we can make light of our 

Tales from a Blended Life, Part Three

Tales from a Blended Life, Part Three

Alrighty- I’m ready to tackle the final surefire rules to help our blended families survive WITHOUT the drama! In case you missed the first two posts, I encourage you to go read them to better understand what “living a blended life” actually means, AND learn