Many of you see “#FirstWorldProblem” and know exactly what it’s referring to- the sarcastic remark made by us First World-ers when we face a problem any human living in a Third World country would laugh at, or even snarl at. Using the hashtag we can make light of our relatively silly dilemma, giving us permission to whine or complain about it on social media.
Now I am NOT saying these words with condemnation. In fact, I’m scared to search my own social media postings, afraid I’ll see how many times I’ve used the hashtag myself. But I couldn’t help but feel guilty when I watched the two and a half minute video below.
I dare you to take a look.
Or the Facebook post link here- If The World Were 100 People | GOOD Data
When you shrink the world’s population down to 100 people, this is what you get:
Posted by GOOD on Monday, March 14, 2016
I wonder how many of you watched it and immediately realized you fit into the top percentiles of the “good, better, best” statistics- like having the ability to read, the ability too earn more than $10 a day, and having access to food, clean water, shelter, college, internet, and cell phones! The list goes on and on…
Our life – how we choose to love and live- is affected and changed by our perspective. And doesn’t the video (and ones like them) make you cringe, revealing how distorted our perspective has become? The fact we have a hashtag which allows us the freedom to complain about our privilege proves this lack of perspective, at least it’s proved my own.
After watching it, all could think was the word thankful.
For me, my thankful heart turns to God, crying out my gratitude for His grace and mercy and blessings over me. Fitting I should see this video a few days before Easter Sunday, where Christians in this great country have the privilege to celebrate that Jesus died a sinner’s death for us, then rose victorious over it, paving the way for me (and for you) to enter His Holy realm one day and spend an eternity in His presence.
Oh, what a reason to be thankful!
If you cringed watching that video, I invite you to attend a local church service Easter morning. It is a great day to sacrifice an hour to God for the privilege He’s granted us. And you never know, He may change your perspective on how to love and live.
“Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.